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The family of Crawford Black contacted Alistair through this website to say that they had logs and photos from Mr Black`s ownership and would kindly make copies available. This section will grow as more information becomes available

Crawford Black

Aground at Colintraive, Kyles of Bute

At Curly Tail Bay (Before 1934)

DCB at the helm (late Thirties)

Mr and Mrs Black

Under full sail

Witch ashore

Off Greenock

Off Greenock

In the Clyde

Untidy sheets

Below decks at Skate Bay

Bowsprit view

Boys day out

Chatting over dinner (note the hanging table)

Following breeze

Kyles of Bute

Marilyn White at the helm

Moira Black at the helm

Off Bute

In the Firth of Clyde

Pre-war holiday fun

Pre-war summer

D C Black - skipper

Among the bushes


Loch Ridden

D C Black at the helm

James Alexander bill of sale

D C Black half share purchase

Alexander Naismith bill of sale
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